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Showing posts from May, 2017

Bell's Palsy

BELL'S  P alsy: B link reflex abnormal E arache L acrimation [deficient, excess] L oss of taste S udden onset P alsy of VII nerve muscles The cause of Bell's Palsy is unknown but it is thought to be viral in origin. It is important to outrule other causes such as stroke, brain tumours and herpes, Treatment includes steroids with follow up.

Branches Of Celiac Artery (or Coeliac Artery) : Mnemonic

Branches Of Celiac  Artery (or Coeliac Artery) Mnemonic to remember the Branches " L eft H and S ide " Left   gastric artery H epatic artery S plenic artery

Constipation Treatment

Mnemonic to remember Treatment of Constipation Constipation  Treatment FECES  F luid and fibre intake E xercise C athartics (eg, lactulose) E limination of constipating medications S timulation of the gatrocolic reflex (ie, enema) Constipation refers to a condition when stools are hard to pass. Symptoms often include abdominal pain and bloating.

Diaphragm apertures: Spinal levels

Spinal Levels of Aorta, Oesphagus and Inferior Vena Cava perforating the Diaphragm Aortic hiatus = 12 letters = T12  Oesophagus = 10 letters = T10   Vena cava = 8 letters = T8

Bowel components

Mnemonic to remember the components of the small and large intestine "Dow Jones Industrial Climbing Average Closing Stock Report" From proximal to distal D uodenum J ejunum I leum C limbing A ppendix C olon S igmoid R ectum